7-year-old brain cancer survivor gets best MLB surprise EVER!

So there I was, thumbing through Instagram, and I came upon this video that stopped me in my tracks. This is the best thing on the internet BY FAR!

Sam Kostoff is a seven year old who was dealt a tough hand. In January, he was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor, had emergency surgery, and spent ten days in the hospital. Fast forward to now and Sam just wants to go to opening day to see his beloved Philadelphia Phillies, so he decided to sell lemonade in hopes of raising enough money to be able to buy tickets.

Enter Zachery Dereniowski. Zachery is a social media content creator (@mdmotivator on Instagram) who has partnered up with Major League Baseball to surprise people with things like World Series and All-Star Game tickets. He knew he was going to be in Philadelphia for opening day, and he knew he'd have tickets to give away, so he posted a video asking for help in finding the right person to get the tickets to. Sam's mom happened to see the video, reached out to Zachery, and the two arranged it so that Zachery would show up to Sam's lemonade stand with the surprise of a lifetime.

Not only did Zachery buy some lemonade to help Sam's cause (the whole jug!), but he also gave Sam $1000, the tickets to opening day that Sam was working so hard to buy, and arranged it so that Sam got to go on the field before the game. Sam even went home with some gifts, including a bat from first base coach Paco Figueroa and a signed ball from pitcher Spencer Turnbull. But best of all, he went home with memories that he will never forget.

Grab a tissue and watch this video below. Absolutely incredible! The full story posted by the MLB is here.

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