Beginning December 1st, dog tags will go on sale in Fayette County and continue through January 31, 2021.
Current fees are $14 per dog license. After January 31st, the fees will be $28 per license, which includes penalty.
This year there is also an option for a 3 year tag which will cost $42 or a permanent tag for $140.
The 3 year tags and permanent tags are sold ONLY in the Auditor’s Office.
Dog tags can be purchased at:
Fayette County Auditor’s Office Fayette Country Dog Shelter
*Buckley Brothers*
*There is a handling fee of 75 cents for each tag at this location. Please bring your renewal form with you.
Or online:
If purchasing online, the vendor will charge a handling fee of $2 per tag.
To obtain a license by mail, contact our office.
Call the Auditor’s Office with any questions at (740) 335-6461.