Coronavirus Must Be Reported Now in Ohio

The Ohio Department of Health has classified Coronavirus as a reportable disease now, by elevating it to a Class A disease.

They says "Class A" means that confirmed or suspected cases must be reported immediately to the local health district.

Currently, testing for the virus must take place at the CDC.

If you traveled to affected areas outside of the U.S. where outbreaks have been identified and feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, the Ohio Department of Health says you should seek medical care right away and avoid contact with others.

But before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and symptoms. The Ohio Department of Health will continue to monitor the situation in coordination with the CDC.

The department says no cases of Coronavirus have been reported in Ohio. However, one case was reported in Washington state...and one in Chicago.

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