Driver in Crash Fakes COVID-19 To Attempt Dodging Traffic Citation

The Wilmington post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol was investigating an accident involving a single car with a single occupant. The trooper investigating the crash became immediately concerned as the driver identified themselves as having been sick recently and had tested positive for COVID-19. The Health Department and its partners were immediately notified to either confirm or discount the validity of the persons statements.

Through a concerted investigation, the statements of the driver were found to be false. The subject had never been tested for Coronavirus and was not infected nor had she exhibited symptoms.

Through conversations with the Prosecutor for Hillsboro Municipal Court, the Highland County Prosecutor and the Ohio State Patrol, they have taken a zero tolerance policy on using COVID-19, Coronavirus or claiming to have symptoms as a way to avoid the ramifications of personal actions. The subject in this vehicle will be criminally charged for attempting to use the Coronavirus as an excuse for poor decisions and behavior.

Keep this in mind moving forward as this used resources that were needed elsewhere for protecting the citizens of Highland County to flatten the curve.

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