May 2019 Primary Election Results

Fayette County - A single dual-part issue for a new Fayette County Jail was approved by voters by a tally of 1,360 (54.75%) to 1,124 (45.25%). The construction bond is for $20-million. It would be repaid over a 40-year-period at 1.05 mills. The levy to operate the new jail is .85 mills. That’s for operating expenses and other criminal justice services.


Fayette County Official Results: CLICK HERE...


Highland County - It was a special election with three local issues to decide.

Issue 1 failed, 67.11% (202) against to 32.89% (99) for. It was a five-year additional tax to the benefit the Bright Local School District for general permanent improvements at a rate not exceeding 3-mills. That's 30-cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation.


Issue 2 also failed at 57.50% (859 ) to 42.50% (635) against. It was a countywide replacement levy for the Highland County Health Department. That's a five-year 0.5-mills levy which would allow the district to conduct programs in meet its expenses.


Issue 3 came to a draw, at exactly 50.00% (76) for and against. It is a proposed municipal income tax for the Village of Greenfield, a continuation of an existing one-eighth of one-percent levy for the maintenance, operation and repair of Greenfield City Hall, and a stimulus for economic development within the village.


Highland County Official Results: CLICK HERE...

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